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6. 多多參考別人的意見



















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這裡是KTS新聞匯總欄目! 這裡不僅有 一周的新聞熱點 還有雅思托福考試變動 以及留學政策的變化 來看看吧! ... 1. 雅思放出6月份考位 3月24號,雅思放了6月份的考位,然而很快,所有城市6月份的考位幾乎所剩無幾。 而到了今天,很多城市連7月初都已報滿。 還想搶6月考位的同學,請在下面列的時間裡登錄雅思報名系統,查詢轉考放出來的考位: 5月16/17日10點和20點 5月23/24日10點和20點 5月30/31日10點和20點 最後,如果6月份能考試,大機率會加考,到時候也會提前放出考位。同時,也要密切關注5月份機考的考位。 ... [Photo/官網] 2. ETS發布會說明在家考托福細則 昨天,ETS於北京時間3月26號晚23點(美國東部時間26號上午11點),以視頻答疑的方式,就關於托福在家考試的相關問題進行了解答。 在家考試,不一樣的是考試的形式是在家,而且全程有監控。 在這個周末,就會有成為第一波吃螃蟹的人,體驗在家考試的托福。 1. 在家考的托福與在實體考場考的有什麼不一樣? 2. 在家考試的考生權限和對考生的要求是什麼? 3. 考務安全怎麼保障?考試過程怎麼監控? 4. 圍繞在家考的托福,ETS可以提供哪些額外支持? 以上考生們最為關心的問題,ETS官方一一在發布會中做了回答。 詳情見下方文章: 最新!ETS發布會說明在家考托福細則,雅思卻要涼涼?闢謠來了! ... [Photo/網絡] Vaccine trial gets underway 我國新冠疫苗人體試驗 The first clinical trial of the novel coronavirus vaccine in China has begun, and photos and videos of volunteers taking part in the project began to circulate on social media over the weekend. 我國展開新冠肺炎疫苗Ⅰ期臨床試驗,周末志願者參與該項目的照片和視頻開始在社交媒體上流傳。 The phase 1 clinical trial for recombinant novel coronavirus vaccine was registered on March 17, according to the Chinese Clinical Trial Registry. The COVID-19 vaccine was jointly developed by the Institute of Biotechnology, the Academy of Military Medical Sciences of the People's Liberation Army, and Tianjin-based CanSino Biologics Inc. 根據中國臨床試驗註冊中心消息,重組新型冠狀病毒疫苗Ⅰ期臨床試驗於本月17日註冊通過,由軍事科學院軍事醫學研究院和天津的康希諾生物股份公司聯合研發。 The trial is being conducted on 108 healthy adults ages 18 to 60 in two medical facilities in Wuhan, Hubei province. The trial is expected to be completed by Dec 31, according to the registry. As a subunit vaccine, it contains only a fragment of the pathogen to stimulate a protective immune response. The volunteers will receive a series of follow-up examinations in the six months after being injected to see if their bodies have generated an antibody to the virus. 試驗在湖北武漢兩家醫療機構里108名年齡為18-60歲的健康的成年人中展開。註冊信息顯示,試驗將於12月31日前完成。該疫苗為亞單位疫苗,只含有刺激保護性免疫反應的病原體片段。未來半年裡,接種疫苗的志願者將接受一系列的後續檢查,以觀察他們的身體是否產生對抗病毒的抗體。 ... [Photo/chinadaily.com.cn] China diverts Beijing flights 首都機場入境航班分流 Starting Monday, the Chinese capital will redirect all the inbound flights scheduled to land at Beijing Capital International Airport to 12 designated airports, where passengers' health condition will be checked, according to a notice jointly issued on Sunday by multiple national agencies. 多部門22日聯合發布公告,自23日開始,所有目的地為北京首都國際機場的國際航班均須從12個指定機場入境,旅客將在這些機場接受衛生檢疫。 Passengers who do not exhibit symptoms will be allowed to reboard their planes to Beijing, it added. 無任何癥狀的旅客可搭乘原航班進京。 The airports in Tianjin, Taiyuan, and Hohhot have been handling the diverted inbound flights since Friday. Added to the list are airports in Shijiazhuang, Jinan, Qingdao, Nanjing, Shenyang, Dalian, Zhengzhou and Xi'an, as well as Shanghai Pudong International Airport. 自20日起,天津、太原、呼和浩特的機場已經開始接收北京分流的航班,新加入名單的還有石家莊、濟南、青島、南京、瀋陽、大連,鄭州和西安的機場,以及上海浦東國際機場。 ... [Photo/Xinhua] China diverts Beijing flights 首都機場入境航班分流 Starting Monday, the Chinese capital will redirect all the inbound flights scheduled to land at Beijing Capital International Airport to 12 designated airports, where passengers' health condition will be checked, according to a notice jointly issued on Sunday by multiple national agencies. 多部門22日聯合發布公告,自23日開始,所有目的地為北京首都國際機場的國際航班均須從12個指定機場入境,旅客將在這些機場接受衛生檢疫。 Passengers who do not exhibit symptoms will be allowed to reboard their planes to Beijing, it added. 近日,一些入境人員被發現故意隱瞞疫情嚴重國家或地區旅行史、甚至用吃退燒藥等方式掩蓋發熱癥狀,在海關衛生檢疫環節矇混過關。 Such moves, which bring great risks to public health security, have been clarified as a "serious situation" of disturbing the frontier health and quarantine in the guideline, and violators will be punished for the crime in line with criminal law, Wang said. 王軍說,按照指導意見,上述行為給公共衛生安全造成重大風險,被歸類為妨害國境衛生檢疫的嚴重情形,將依照刑法定罪處罰。 ... [Photo/Xinhua] TCM treatment effective 中醫藥抗'疫'有效率達90% A total of 74,187 confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus pneumonia, which account for 91.5 percent of total infections on the Chinese mainland, have been administered traditional Chinese medicine as part of their treatment, and over 90 percent of them have shown improvement, according to Yu Yanhong, Party secretary and top official of the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine. 國務院新聞辦公室23日在湖北武漢舉行新聞發布會,國家中醫藥管理局黨組書記兼局長余艷紅在會上表示,此次全國新冠肺炎確診病例中,有74187人使用中醫藥作為部分治療手段,占感染病例總數的91.5%,其中90%以上的人使用中醫藥有效。 TCM has effectively relieved symptoms, prevented deterioration, reduced the mortality rate, raised the recovery rate and boosted patients' recovery, Yu said on Monday at a news conference organized by the State Council Information Office in Wuhan, Hubei province. 余艷紅表示,中醫藥能夠有效緩解癥狀,防止病情惡化,提高治癒率、降低病亡率,促進恢復期人群機體康復。 About 13 percent of the medical staff that has sustained medical care in Hubei, or more than 4,900, are TCM workers, she said, adding the size and strength of TCM assistance teams were unprecedented. 余艷紅說,在這次疫情中,中醫藥系統從全國調來4900餘名中醫藥人員馳援湖北,約占支援武漢醫護人員總數的13%,這次中醫藥援助隊伍規模之大,力量之強,是前所未有的。 ... [Photo/Xinhua] ... Italy fast-tracks new doctors 意1萬名醫學生提前上崗 Italy will rush 10,000 student doctors into service, scrapping their final exams, in an effort to help the struggling health service cope with the novel coronavirus outbreak. The crisis has pushed hospitals to breaking point at the epicenter in northern Italy and left other regions scrambling to strengthen their own health systems as the number of infected rises nationwide. 為了幫助困難重重的衛生服務部門應對新型冠狀病毒疫情,義大利將取消1萬名醫學生畢業前的最後考試,讓他們提前開始工作。隨著義大利全國範圍內感染人數的增加,位於疫情中心的義大利北部的醫院已經達到強度極限,其他地區也正匆忙加強其衛生系統。 University Minister Gaetano Manfredi said the government would let this year's medicine graduates start work some eight or nine months ahead of schedule and waive mandatory exams they normally sit for before qualifying. 大學部長加埃塔諾·曼弗雷迪稱,政府將讓今年的醫學院畢業生提前大概八、九個月開始工作,並免除他們獲得從業資格前須參加的強制性考試。 "This means immediately releasing into the National Health System the energy of about 10,000 doctors, which is fundamental to dealing with the shortage that our country is suffering," he said. The graduates will be sent to work in general practitioners' clinics and at old peoples' homes, freeing up more experienced colleagues who will be sent to the rapidly filling hospitals. "這意味著立即向國家衛生系統輸送約1萬名醫生,對於緩解我國正在遭受的醫生短缺情況至關重要。"這些醫學生將被送往全科醫生診所和養老院工作,從而騰出更多經驗豐富的醫生,讓他們趕赴迅速飽和的那些醫院。 ... [Photo/Agencies] WeChat, Mobike win for design '財富'評現代最偉大設計 蘋果占8席微信摩拜上榜 Two designs from China – WeChat and Mobike – were selected for the 100 Great Designs of Modern Times this year, according to a report jointly compiled by business magazine Fortune and the IIT Institute of Design on Monday. 商業雜誌《財富》和IIT設計研究所16日聯合編纂的一份報告顯示,來自中國的兩項設計——微信和摩拜共享單車——入選"100個現代最偉大的設計"排行榜榜單。 Social media platform WeChat from Tencent, as it has "integrated a host of essential mobile apps" and "become users' one-stop shop", took 31st place in the list, the report said. 報告稱,騰訊旗下的社交媒體平臺微信排在第31位,因為它"整合了一系列重要的移動應用程式,已成為用戶的一站式商店"。 Bikeshare service Mobike, solving the "last mile" problem with the first cashless, dockless bike share system, ranked 37th. Tech firm Apple was named top designer with eight products ranked in the list, and the iPhone took the top spot. The list is based on a survey from 100 designers, architects and design teachers. 摩拜共享單車排在第37位,它推出首個無現金、無樁的單車共享系統,提供了"最後一英里"的解決方案。科技公司蘋果被評為頂級設計公司,旗下共有8款產品上榜,其中iPhone位居榜首。這份榜單是在對100位設計師、建築師和設計教師進行調查的基礎上得出的。 ... [Photo/China Daily] Spaniards begin renting out dogs 西班牙人為出門租狗遛? Offers of a dog have begun popping up on Spanish online marketplaces as the coronavirus quarantine measures went into effect. Adverts seen on MilAnuncios.com include a hunting dog in Valencia, charging 25 euros for a "walk". It comes as a royal decree approved mid-March has severely restricted freedom of movement in Spain. 隨著新冠肺炎疫情期間隔離措施的實施,西班牙網絡市場開始出現租狗信息。在MilAnuncios.com網站的廣告中,人們可以看到瓦倫西亞的一位客戶出租加那利獵犬,他的收費是"遛狗一次"25歐元(約合人民幣192元)。本月中旬,西班牙通過了一項皇家法令,嚴格限制居民外出。 Residents must stay indoors, only leaving home – one per car – for food, medicine, medical assistance, essential work, caring for loved ones or other justifiable activity. Anyone breaking the rules can be fined, depending on the category of their infraction. 居民必須待在室內,只能一車一人離家購買食品、藥品、就醫、去工作、照顧親人或從事其他正當活動。任何違反規定的人將根據違反程度被處以罰款。 But the government has assured residents they may walk their pets, so long as they observe social distancing measures such as keeping 1m apart from other members of the public. MilAnuncios.com said they will not permit the renting out of pets, allowing residents to "laugh off" the coronavirus restrictions. They are eliminating all the ads that appear in this regard. 但政府也明確表示,居民只要按照規定與他人保持社交距離,比如與其他人間隔1米,就可以帶寵物出去散步。MilAnuncios.com網站表示,他們不會允許出租寵物,讓居民繞開為遏制疫情而出臺的限制措施。他們正在刪除所有這類廣告。 ... [Photo/Pexels] Japan mulls postponing Olympics 安倍:東京奧運可能推遲 Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Monday hinted at the possibility that the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games could be postponed this summer if they could not be held in their complete form. "If it is difficult to hold the games in such a way, we have to decide to postpone it, giving top priority to the health of the athletes," the Japanese leader said. 日本首相安倍晉三23日暗示,如果無法舉辦一屆"完整"的奧運會和殘奧會,今夏的東京奧運會和殘奧會可能被推遲舉行。安倍當天說,如果舉辦一屆完整的奧運會變得非常困難,我們就不得不決定推遲奧運會,因為首先要考慮運動員的健康。 Abe had previously said that Japan was still pushing ahead to host the Games in their "complete form," meaning as per the current schedule and in front of spectators. The latest remarks from the Japanese leader come on the heels of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) saying that it is exploring a number of scenarios amid the global coronavirus pandemic, including postponing the Games. 此前安倍曾說,日本仍然在朝著舉辦一屆"完整的"奧運會努力,"完整"意味著依既定日程舉辦,而且不會取消觀眾。安倍此番最新講話之前,國際奧委會表示正在探尋在全球新冠疫情下舉辦東京奧運的多種可能性,其中包括推遲奧運會的選項。 Abe said the IOC will ultimately make a final decision on the matter. He added, however, that neither the IOC or Japan have discussed the idea of cancelling the quadrennial Games, nor is such a scenario tabled to be discussed. 安倍表示,國際奧委會將就此事作出最終決定,但是國際奧委會和日本均沒有討論過,此後也不會討論是否取消這一四年一度的賽事。 ... [Photo/Agencies] Fed announces unlimited QE 美聯儲開啟無限量寬鬆 The US Federal Reserve announced on Monday it will purchase US treasuries and agency mortgage-backed securities with no limit to help markets function more efficiently amid coronavirus uncertainty. 美國聯邦儲備委員會(美聯儲)23日宣布,將購買美國國債和機構抵押貸款支持證券,不設額度上限,以幫助市場在新冠病毒帶來不確定性的情況下更有效地運轉。 For the first time, the Fed will back purchases of corporate bonds, backstop direct loans to companies and "soon" will roll out a program to get credit to small and medium-sized business. It also said it will expand asset purchases by as much as needed to stabilize financial markets. 美聯儲將首次支持購買企業債券並直接向企業提供貸款,並將"很快"推出一項向中小企業提供信貸的計劃。美聯儲還表示,將儘可能大地擴大資產購買規模,以穩定金融市場。 Earlier this month, the Fed pledged to buy at least $500 billion in US treasuries and at least $200 billion in agency mortgage-backed securities over the coming months. 本月早些時候,美聯儲承諾在未來幾個月里購買至少5000億美元的美國國債和至少2000億美元的機構抵押貸款支持證券。 ... [Photo/Pexels] British told to stay at home 英頒布居家令為期三周 British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced new curbs on movement in the United Kingdom to halt the spread of novel coronavirus, urging people to simply stay at home. From Monday night, people are only allowed to leave their homes for very limited purposes. 為遏制新型冠狀病毒的傳播,英國首相鮑里斯·詹森宣布在全國範圍內實施更加嚴厲的人流限制措施。自23日晚開始,所有民眾不許出門,只有幾種情況例外。 "Shopping for basic necessities, as infrequently as possible. One form of exercise a day - for example a run, walk, or cycle - alone or with members of your household. Any medical need, to provide care or to help a vulnerable person," Johnson said. 詹森說:"可以購買必要生活物品,建議儘可能減少次數。一天進行一種運動,例如跑步、散步、騎自行車,可以獨自一人也可以與家庭成員一起。購買醫療必需品,或是去照看弱勢群體。" But he restricted travel only to and from essential work, such as NHS, where this cannot be done from home. Johnson said police will have the power to enforce rules when people do not comply. Parks will remain open for exercise but gatherings will be dispersed. All public assemblies of more than two people, excluding people who live together, will be banned, the prime minister said. 詹森說,只有從事像NHS這樣無法在家辦公的關鍵性崗位的民眾可以去上班或從工作地點回家。他還說,當民眾不遵守這些規定時,警方將有權力強制執行。公園照舊開放,可以去鍛鍊,但聚會人群將被驅散。禁止兩個以上不是同住的人在公共場所聚會。 ... [Photo/Agencies] Merkel in self-quarantine 德總理默克爾居家隔離 German Chancellor Angela Merkel has made the decision to self-quarantine in her home after having contact with a doctor who tested positive for the novel coronavirus, her spokesperson Steffen Seibert said Sunday. 德國總理默克爾的發言人賽貝特22日說,由於日前接觸過的一名醫生新冠病毒檢測呈陽性,默克爾已決定開始居家隔離。 Merkel will be tested regularly over the coming days and will continue to conduct her duties as chancellor from home, Seibert said. 賽貝特表示,默克爾在未來幾天裡將接受多次檢測,居家隔離期間她仍將繼續處理公務。 Earlier Sunday, Merkel announced Germany was banning meetings of more than two people in public for the next two weeks to contain the virus. Exceptions to the rules are being made for people who live together and for work-related gatherings. 當日早些時候,默克爾宣布,為了遏制新冠疫情,未來兩周該國禁止兩人以上的公開聚集活動,不過共同居住以及與工作相關的聚會將獲得豁免。 ... [Photo/Agencies] Prince Charles tests positive 英王儲查爾斯感染新冠 The heir to the British throne, Prince Charles, on Wednesday became the most prominent public figure in the UK to be confirmed as having coronavirus, in a development that raises questions about the risk the virus poses to senior royals. "He has been displaying mild symptoms but otherwise remains in good health and has been working from home throughout the last few days as usual," Clarence House said. 英國王儲查爾斯王子25日成為英國被確診感染新型冠狀病毒的最知名公眾人物,這一事態發展引發了有關新冠病毒對王室高級成員構成風險的疑問。克拉倫斯宮表示:"他有輕微癥狀,但除此之外健康狀況良好,過去幾天照常在家工作"。 The prince's wife, the Duchess of Cornwall, had also been tested but did not have the virus, the statement said. "It is not possible to ascertain from whom the prince caught the virus owing to the high number of engagements he carried out in his public role during recent weeks," the statement added. 聲明稱,查爾斯王子的妻子康沃爾公爵夫人也接受了新冠病毒檢測,結果呈陰性。聲明還稱,無法確定查爾斯王子是從誰那裡感染的病毒,因為最近幾周他出席了許多的公務活動。 The prince's illness raises questions about the potential risk from the virus to his mother, the Queen, who is 93, and the Duke of Edinburgh, her husband, who is 98. However, Buckingham Palace, the queen's official residence, said the monarch remained in good health. 查爾斯王子感染新冠病毒,令外界對病毒可能給他的母親、93歲的女王及其98歲的丈夫愛丁堡公爵帶來的潛在風險產生疑問。但女王的官邸白金漢宮表示,女王身體狀況良好。 ... [Photo/Agencies] Virus can still be beaten 世介面臨'第二個窗口期' The chief of the World Health Organization said on Wednesday that the world has squandered the first window of opportunity to defeat COVID-19 in the past two months and should not squander the second one now. 世衛組織總幹事譚德塞25日表示,過去兩個月世界已經浪費了擊敗新冠肺炎疫情的第一個機會窗口,現在出現了第二個機會窗口,不要再浪費。 WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said the unprecedented measures taken by many countries have come at significant social and economic cost, such as closing schools and businesses, cancelling sporting events and asking people to stay home. 譚德塞說,目前許多國家都採取了空前的措施,像關閉學校和企業、取消體育賽事、要求人們待在家裡,付出了巨大的社會和經濟代價。 "We call on all countries who have introduced so-called 'lockdown' measures to use this time to attack the coronavirus," he said. "You have created a second window of opportunity." He warned that the last thing any country needs is to open schools and businesses, only to be forced to close them again because of a resurgence. "我呼籲現在採取了'封鎖'措施的國家,利用這段時間來對抗病毒,你們創造了第二個機會窗口。"譚德塞警告稱,所有國家最不需要的是開放學校和企業後,因為疫情反彈而不得不再次關閉。 ... [Photo/Agencies] 如果想要獲取更多信息 歡迎關注我們哦 我們定期持續推出乾貨經驗 留學資訊以及各種福利呢 部分來源:ChinaDaily —END— KTS(Key to Success)勝之玥留學英語為出國黨以及職場人士提供一站式雅思托福學習服務,致力於將「個性化定製學習」作為我們的核心教育理念,讓學生在這裡付出每一秒都值得,即使不上課也可提分! 添加VX諮詢:selena123-hong 更多留學資訊、乾貨經驗、資料福利 歡迎關注公眾號:KTS勝之玥留學英語/KTS勝之玥英語










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